I helped to create a visual identity for a non-profit organization that works to engage and empower our youth and their families to help them achieve positive outcomes. The deliverables for this project consisted of the visual mark, logotypestationery system, large-scale application of the visual mark and website re-design.


Currently, visitors to the Manatee Coast at the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium are so distracted my the manatee viewing experience that they do not recognize the educational information about rescue and rehabilitation efforts going on at the zoo. As part of WAZA, the zoo has the responsibility to create conservation awareness and provide biodiversity education and the current design application is not conducive to fulfilling that obligation.

As a design solution for this problem, I am proposing to separate the conservation education and manatee viewing by creating an immersive, experiential and educational exhibit in the walkway between the Aquarium and the Manatee Coast. The exhibit would be called ‘Sirenian Sound.’ Sirenian meaning an aquatic, herbivorous mammal of the order Sirenia commonly known as sea cow; and Sound meaning a relatively narrow passage of water between larger bodies of water or between the mainland and an island.

In addition to experiencing the exhibit, visitors will also be able to take with them an informational booklet which has additional information about manatee conservation at the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium.

This data visualization, or infographic, was created using findings from the culmination of secondary research conducted about the carbon cycle and how the human carbon footprint has had a negative effect on the cycle. Finding the right balance between information management and visual representation was key in this project's execution and successful outcome.


Seeing RED

Using divergent thinking and ideation development as the mode of visually representing the color red in 50 varying viewpoints. I approached this challenge by visually exploring how the color is viewed and perceived in different societies and cultures, as well as the role it plays in our everyday lives and experiences.

Heart disease is the leading cause of death among adults in the United States. With nine out of ten adults lacking the skills they need to manage their health and prevent disease, it’s important that heart health related information is presented to everyone in terms they can understand. Rhythmia is a solution aimed to facilitate the communication of individual health related information between cardiac patients and members of their healthcare team. Rhythmia allows patients to find out more about their cardiac health and wellness, as well as empowers them to take control of their overall health and well-being.

This project was the culmination of my design education at The Ohio State University, and it was showcased as part of the university's Department of Design Spring Exhibition in April 2015 at the Urban Arts Space in Columbus, OH. 

Rhythmia Show Set-Up.jpg